Friday, 18 April 2014

He Came In Love

Take a few moments with me on a small remembrance journey in song from The Witness Musical by Jimmy and Carol Owens, meditating on the deep love of our Lord Jesus and the great price He paid for our salvation and redemption...How deep is His love! How unfathomable! How immeasurable! Oh! How He love us! How He suffered for us!

"Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." (John 13:1 NKJV)

by Jimmy Owens

This is My body broken for you,
Bringing you wholeness, making you free.

Take it and eat it, and when you do,

Do it in love for Me.

This is My blood poured out for you, 
Bringing forgiveness, making you free.

Take it and drink it, and when you do, 

Do it in love for Me,

Do it in love for Me.

by Jimmy and Carol Owens

Mary and Choir:

The night is here,

My Little Lamb,
Try not to cry.
Soon the sun will shine again
And light the sky.
And though the night seems dark, my Child,
The morning will come again;
Now close your eyes and sleep for a while,
Don't be afraid,
Morning will come,
So sleep.

by Jimmy Owens


Pure and holy Son of God,
Taking on the form of man;
Left the glory of His throne,
Came to bring salvation's plan.
Righteous Father, Holy One,
Looking down on us in Love;
Gave to us His only Son,
Sent with blessings from above.

But we took Him and we nailed Him 
to a cross made of wood
And we raised it high and dropped it
in the ground where it stood
And the blood that flowed to the earth below
Bought forgiveness for the world
that had treated Him so.

"Peace on earth, Good will to men,"
At His birth the angels sang,
Love and mercy from the throne
Through the earth his message rang.

But we took Him and we nailed Him 
to a cross made of wood
And we raised it high and dropped it
in the ground where it stood
And the blood that flowed to the earth below
Bought forgiveness for the world
that had treated Him so.

He came in love to bring us light in our darkness,
He came in peace to bring release from our pain;
He came with joy to bring us rest in our weariness,
He came in love to bring us beauty again.


by Jimmy Owens


They took Him down, His poor dead body,

and prepared Him for his burial.

They took Him down, His poor pale body,
drained of life, ashen, and stained 
with its own life-blood.

His healing hands, now pierced and still;

Serving hands, that broke five loaves

to feed five thousand;
Holy hands, often folded in fervent prayer;
Poor gentle hands, now pierced and still.

His poor torn feet, now bloodied and cold;

Feet that walked weary miles

to bring good news to broken hearts;
Feet once washed in penitent's tears;
Poor torn feet, now bloodied and cold.

His kingly head, made for a crown,

now crowed - with thorns.

his poor kingly head, crowned with thorns.
His gentle breast, now pierced by

spear-thrust, quiet and still;

His poor loving breast.

His piercing eyes, now dark and blind;

Eyes of compassion, warming the soul;

Fiery eyes, burning at sin;
Tender eyes, beckoning sinners;
His piercing eyes, now dark and blind.

His matchlesss voice, fountain of the Father's

thoughts, stopped - and stilled -

to speak no more.
Silence now, where once had flowed
wisdom and comfort, Spirit and life;
His matchless voice, stilled, to speak no more.
They took him down, His poor dead body,
and prepared Him for his burial.

“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29 NKJV)

And so the buried Him, and they thought that was the end...BUT IT WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!


  1. Amen Sarah.... only the beginning and thankfully for each us it is so.... how utterly empty our life would be if that tomb was not empty on resurrection morn ... praise God He us not there for He has risen... and now we have tge precious promise of life eternal by faith in Him.
    God bless you dear Sarah and all your dear ones.
    Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Beautiful post, Sarah <3 :)

    I love 'The Witness' album, it is very inspiring and beautiful, and I especially love the 'Easter' songs. This last 'reading' with Peter is beautiful, and I love the song 'He Came in Love'.

    Happy Easter, dearest sister <3 I love you very much. May we bask and dwell in the love of our Lord, and thank Him for His great love to us in His death.


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